So you think you want to host an ALCYPAA Conference? GREAT! The following is a list of requirements that bidders should fulfill. You will present them to the ALCYPAA Advisory Council at the annual Conference preceding the conference for which you are bidding.
Bidders are asked, but not required, to inform the Advisory Council Chairperson of their intent to bid, and bid committees are asked to send the name and contact information of their Bid Committee Representative (BCR) to the Chairperson. Each Bid Committee is required to provide at least one hard copy of their bid package to the Advisory Council at the Conference.
Formal and Token bids (see descriptions below) will be presented at the Saturday morning Bid Session of the annual Conference. Following all presentations, the Advisory Council will meet separately and in private to discuss all bids presented. Following full discussion, the council will vote to select the successful bid following third legacy voting procedures. In the event that no bid committee receives a two-thirds vote during the site selection meeting, the remaining bid committees will be placed in the hat and the next year’s host city will be pulled after the Saturday night meeting.
In the event that no bids are presented, the Advisory Council may at its own discretion determine a suitable site for the Conference and will be prepared to host said Conference themselves. In doing so, the council may reach out to include any or all past members of the council for their advice and assistance. Alternatively, the Advisory Council may vote that the Conference shall be suspended for one year. In that case, the Advisory Council, with the assistance and advice of any or all past members of the Council, will call an emergency meeting of the Advisory Council to determine the future of the Council and of ALCYPAA itself.
Types of Bids
A Formal Bid meets the all requested bid requirements. A functioning bid committee has worked for a period of time planning and executing successful events, outreaching to the community, scouting potential locations, and defining a planned, finished conference experience. Often, the Formal Bid is the result of multiple years of bidding by an evolving bid committee.
A Token Bid may or may not meet all the requested bid requirements. Often it is from a member or members that are “late to the game” in putting together a bid committee, who may have hosted few or no events, have not begun reaching out to the community, scouting locations or putting together the plan for the conference. In many cases, this is a “practice” bid, put forth to learn and to build enthusiasm in the bidders’ area. It can even be a last minute decision on the part of one or two members who have begun to see the need in their area.
Both Formal and Token bids are considered by the Advisory Council in making a selection for the next host.
Bid Requirements for Prospective Host Committees
During the bidding process, no individual or bid committee shall sign or obligate the bid committee or the ALCYPAA Advisory Council to any agreements with hotels or any other entities. Do not sign anything!
- There will be a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes for the presentation of each bid committee.
- Bidders must provide a concise written statement showing the need for the conference within their area.
- At least three AA members with one (1) year of sobriety representing the bidding city should be on the bid committee.
- Planning of the bid shall be well grounded in the 36 principles of AA (Steps, Traditions, and Concepts).
- The bid committee should have commitments from at least two (2) appropriate facilities (e.g. hotels, colleges, convention centers, etc.), including: the prospective/proposed dates of the conference, availability of banquet facilities, meeting rooms and guest rooms in the hotel; and providing information as to whether or not the hotels require a commitment for the number of attendees or the number of rooms/room nights required. Please include the diagrams of the available meeting space.
- All hotel costs, to both the Committee and the attendee, must be outlined including information for the site regarding coffee price, banquet room price, and hotel room rate. In regards to the site, we recommend the following: theater style meeting space for 200, a room block 20 guest rooms for two nights (40 room nights), and two breakout rooms.
- The bid committee should provide a permanent mailing address for the conference.
- Bidders must have a temporary pre-registration flyer available with a mailing address. Do not include conference dates or hotel info.
- To ensure that ALCYPAA operates in the spirit of cooperation, bid committees will show that no large-scale AA activity will be held in their area thirty days prior to or thirty days following the proposed Conference dates. This may be demonstrated with a letter from the AA District Committee Member (DCM) and a list of any large-scale AA activities that are scheduled near the proposed Conference dates. In no case should the proposed dates conflict with the Alabama/Northwest Florida Area 1 Assembly, regardless of the location of the conference.
- Prospective bidders will demonstrate financial capabilities and responsibilities within the traditions of AA as a whole and will present a proposed budget and a registration price based on their proposed budget. Bidders will be required to provide financial records from all bid committee activities, demonstrating financial autonomy, self-support and responsibility within the spirit of AA’s Twelve Traditions.
- The bid committee agrees to turn over all proceeds from their conference (after conference expenses) to the ALCYPAA advisory council should they win the bid and host the conference.
- The bid committee should be able to demonstrate an understanding and willingness to comply with all ALCYPAA bylaws and guidelines.
In addition to the bid packet containing the above requested information, bid committees are welcome and encouraged to present — within the allotted time — a presentation, skit or other entertainment demonstrating their enthusiasm and need for hosting the conference.
Site Selection
The Council shall have the sole authority in choosing the Conference sites. The bid requirement of need is the most heavily weighted item in making the determination, but the Council will consider ALL aspects of the bids presented. Again, both Formal bids and Token bids will be considered for selection.
During the presentation, one or more of the Council members will ask whether the Bidders are prepared to host the Conference if selected, and also whether the Bidders are willing to continue their efforts and bring back a bid to the next Conference if not selected. It is our great hope that, as ALCYPAA grows in size and enthusiasm, there will always be more bids than can be selected, and that each pocket of YPAA across Alabama will continue to work, carrying the message of recovery.
If at anytime prior to the Conference the Host Committee foresees the failure of the Conference they must contact the Advisory Council immediately. An emergency meeting of the Council will be called without delay. The Advisory Council may at its own discretion determine a suitable site for the Conference and will host said conference themselves. In doing so, the council may reach out to include any or all past members of the council for their advice and assistance. Alternatively, the Advisory Council may vote that the Conference shall be suspended for one year. In that case, the Advisory Council, with the assistance and advice of any or all past members of the Council, will determine the future of the Council and of ALCYPAA itself.